The word wealth always conjures up images of money and the idioms or concepts associated with it.For example, "money negotiation";"Money turns ghosts into mills";"Because birds die for food, men die for wealth";"The poor have no friends even if they live in noisy urban areas, while the rich have remote relatives even if they live in the mountains.""Poverty frightens ambition", "less than one point may put a hero in an awkward position", etc.
In the 1980s, all stores were state-owned and had high prices.A penny doesn't buy anything, so a penny does embarrass a hero.The popular song began, "I found a penny on the side of the road. I gave it to the police."But now, even at 10 cents, no one CARES.
People venerate money in many ways.The name of the company or store is usually "fortune and honor beer", "fortune and rank restaurant", "noble store", "fame hotel", etc. (even some people's names are like this).The name means "full of gold" or "great wealth".In the New Year, people worship the god of wealth, and the picture of the god is covered with signs of money.When the millionaire walks on the street, people will show deep respect, even though they know very well that they can't get a penny from him.The English language film "million pound note" has the most vivid revelation of this situation.With a million pound note, the hero is privileged to buy credit or loans, and even to receive money from others.This is the ideal ending of the story, even if the hero lost a million pound note, the hero still loved the hero.But they could not have known each other without a million pound note.It is difficult to make friends with beggars.
"All good things must come to an end," the song says in a dream of red mansions attacking admirers of money:
All men long for immortality
They got gold and silver
Life is all about money
Till death cover their eyes...
But when Chen shixian tried to explain the song by analyzing the instability of human relationships and the incomprehension of the human mind, he had to say:
And a man with gold and silver breasts
Become a beggar g, despised by all and deprived.
The conclusion is that it won't work without money.
Although human civilization has existed for thousands of years, people cannot deny the function of money.This shows how important money is.Money plays a decisive role in individuals, families and even countries or nations.Otherwise, why is everyone, from the doorman to the President, trying to make as much money as possible?Why does every country need a finance minister who constantly makes and revises financial laws and regulations?What's the difference between being a creditor and a debtor!America plays the tyrant because it is rich enough.A poor man may have lofty ambitions, but he may be beaten for his poverty.Afghanistan may win a lot of sympathy, but how hard it will be to live on charity alone.