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  As is graphicallydepicted in the cartoon, modern life has been dominated bycomputers. No matter the young man is in the office, at home, andin his spare time, the only friend he has is a computer. Even whenhe sleeps, what is in his dream is still the computer. Apparently,the cartoon aims to reveal the fact that the computer has begun toplay a negative role in the modern life.

  The reasons whymodern people are tied up with computers are as follows. To beginwith, they have become increasingly busier in making money;therefore, they need a quick way to outlet their pressure andexhaustion and computer is their ideal companion. Moreover,computers can assist people to deal with complicated working stuff,make friends, and entertain themselves because they have becomegrowingly powerful and everything else is linked with them. Forinstance, two decades ago, computers were far from popular andpeople used them to to practice typing letters and do basic works.However, with the Internet becoming pervasive, computers haveintegrated music, films, shopping, and everything we like intotheir worlds. Now, when we power on the all-mighty computers, whatwe want is out there for us.

  To sum up, thislifestyle is absolutely imperfect. In order to lead a healthy life,we are supposed to do more exercises and expose ourselves to thetangible world. Meanwhile, it is about time that we powered thecomputer off and talked with our friends and familily face-to-face.Only in these ways will modern life become more beautiful for youand me.(来源:网络)

  • 上一篇:2015年12月英语四级真题作文
  • 下一篇:2014年12月英语四级真题作文
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