1. The purpose in naming the Poconos as one of America’s “Last Great Places” is to .
A)gain support from the local community
B)protect it from irresponsible development
C)make it a better home for black bears
D)provide financial security for future generations
2. We learn from the passage that.
A)the population in the Pocono area is growing
B)wildlife in the Pocono area is dying out rapidly
C)the security of the Pocono residents is being threatened
D)farmlands in the Pocono area are shrinking fast
3. What is important in protecting the Poconos according to Cook?
A)The setting up of an environmental protection website.
B)Support from organizations like The Nature Conservancy.
C)Cooperation with the local residents and business leaders.
D)Inclusion of farmlands in the region’s protection program.
4. What does Bud Cook mean by “having a local presence” (Line 2, Para. 5) ?
A)Financial contributions from local business leaders.
B)Consideration of the interests of the local residents.
C)The establishment of a wildlife protection foundation in the area.
D)The setting up of a local Nature Conservancy branch in the Pocono area.
5. The passage most probably is .
A)an official documentB)a news story
C)an advertisementD)a research report
livevi. ①居住 ②生活,生存 ③(回忆等)难忘adj.①(作定语)活的,有生命的 ②实况转播,现场直播
【考点】live on 以……为主食;靠……生活;
live by 靠……为生;
live by one’s hands 自食其力;
live through 度过,经受住;
live up to 不辜负;
live with 承认,接受(不愉快的)
live用于限定用法,如 a live (living) creature;
alive用于叙述用法,如 The fish is alive (living)。
attractvt. ①吸引 ②引起,诱惑
【派生】attraction n.吸引人的事物,吸引力
attractive adj.诱人的,有吸引力的
【词根】~=at(to)+tract(to draw)
threatenv. ①恐吓,威胁,扬言要 ②预示,有……征兆 ③可能发生,可能来临
【考点】threaten to do sth.威胁要做某事
plann. ①计划,规划 ②平面图,设计图v. ①计划,打算 ②设计
【考点】plan for 打算,计划;
plan on (doing) sth. 打算做某事;
plan out 做出计划;
plan to do sth. 打算做某事
operatevi. ①操作,开动,转动 ②施行手术,开刀vt. ①操作,开动机器 ②对……施行手术
【派生】operator n. 操作
operative adj. 工作的,作业的,手术的
operator n.操作人员,(电话)接线员
【词根】~=oper(to work)+ate(词尾)
balancevt. ①使平衡,调整 ②对称,均衡 ③权衡,比较n. ①天平,秤 ②平衡,均衡 ③结余,结欠
【考点】be/hang in the balance(前途)不明朗的,悬而未决的
catch/throw sb. off balance 使某人失去平衡
keep one’s balance 保持平衡
on balance 总的来说
growthn. ①增长,增加 ②增长量 ③生长,发展 ④生长物
forgevt.①锻造,锤炼 ②伪造(货币,文件等)③高速前进